Find Hope

What if God knows more than the doctors?

Twelve years ago, I was given five years to live. They said; “Tim, you have an incurable cancer and we will see you on Monday.” That was the most sobering time of my life.


Twelve years ago, I was given five years to live. They said; “Tim, you have an incurable cancer and we will see you on Monday.” That was the most sobering time of my life. But it’s been twelve years. They gave me five years to live. And it’s really been this great gift of perspective. A few weeks before I found out about cancer, I had been hearing the same scripture over and over and over. Whether it was in a bible study or on the radio or I don’t know, wherever. Philippians 1:21, kept hearing it over and over and over. I’m thinking; “Okay, God I know you want me to hear this so I’m listening.” It read: “For me to live as Christ and to die is gain.” And then a few weeks later, Um, I’m claiming that as like a life verse in a sense. A few weeks later finding out about cancer, it all of a sudden was like; “Oh! For me to live as Christ and to die is gain.” Then it felt like Jesus was holding my hand through that. Still to this day, like twelve years later, the doctors say that I have got four tumors on my liver and that it’s incurable. That it’s always wearing out my heart. That’s what this cancer does. But the question is, that I have been trying to figure out, is; “What does God say about that?” I mean, I know what the Doctors say, but what if God is God and I am not? What if God is God and the Doctors are not God? Really it’s become this thing about the outcome. I’m kind of a control-aholic. Hi, my name is Tim and I’m a control-aholic. I’m always trying to control the outcome, whether it’s cancer or my kids in some way, or finances, or whatever. And Jesus is inviting me into a new story where I don’t have to worry about my cancer. That adds no days to my life. I would be fine to go to the doctor today and have him tell me that I have no more tumors. I actually believe that, that’s going to happen or already has happened. I don’t know too many people that actually live the Matthew 5: “Don’t worry about tomorrow.” I just don’t know people. I have done it in little pieces of my life but I was like, what if we could be the people that just said; “Jesus, we’re going to take you at your word and if you’re not real then we’re in deep trouble.” My wife and I made a vow three years ago that we are not going to open any doors. We are not going to schmooze our way into anything. That was just not what we were going to do. I did a record about me just learning this new life and trying to figure out how to follow Jesus and not just be a great religious American Christian. Then this record all of a sudden kind of blew up in Nashville and people, all the labels started getting excited. I’m like; “I’m an old man. Why would you come after me now?” But Jesus keeps opening doors. If it’s actually true about Jesus, He says that He takes care of His people when we are walking with Him and following Him.

Tim Timmons - What if God knows more than the doctors?

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