Find Hope

This "spiritual icon" needed to fix himself.

I didn’t know what to do because I felt distant from God, while serving in the singing ministry. I


I was on the road with *Truth. I think we were in Waterloo, Iowa. It was cold and snowing. I had quit Truth. I had told Roger Breland (the director) I was going back home to serve on staff at a church. I’ll never forget sitting on stage that night, but I wasn’t at peace with that decision. I wasn’t really at peace at all, in my life. I had surrendered to the call of the Lord but I had been serving my agenda. As I stood on stage that night watching the response to the invitation for prayer, there were people all over the front, praying with tears flowing from their eyes. People were pouring out their heart to God. It was a great move of God as men and women gave their hearts to Christ in surrender. While singing the chorus with Truth, as Roger gave the testimony, the Lord was speaking to my heart. I realized wanted what the praying people had, yet I was the one who was a part of the ministry team making the call for prayer. I felt empty.

Before I could go to sleep there was a breaking inside me as it seemed the Holy Spirit walked into the room, and said, “I want everything.” As I got out of bed I didn’t know if I should kneel or lie on the floor. I knelt, and I think I cried three hours that night, asking God to take control, telling him that He could have my life, surrendering everything to Him. I didn’t know what to do because I felt distant from God, while serving in the singing ministry. I had been through the Christian college experience. I had my degree in music. I thought, “I’m supposed to know where I’m headed, what I’m doing, and why I’m doing it.” I had experienced moments at an altar at **Lee University during convocations or a chapel gathering where I had been broken, and God had spoken into my life. That moment, at twenty-four years old, Mark Harris really died to himself, and God took the reigns of my life.

*Contemporary Christian band that toured from 1971-2001
**private, faith based liberal arts college in Cleveland, TN, United States

Mark Harris - This "spiritual icon" needed to fix himself.

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