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Thankful to not be rubbing snakes anymore.

I would still be rubbing some mouse or some snake or some elephants belly. But I don’t have to do that. I believe in the living God.


Pakistan is an Islamic country. Christians, they are somewhere between one and a half to two percent. It’s a tough place. When I left Pakistan, we didn’t talk about anything. I celebrate their days. They celebrate my holidays. We didn’t have it. No other country has become more fundamentalist. People are having a tough time now. In East, it really didn’t become a family affair. Leaving the religion in the East is not as simple as West thinks. You are Muslim, and you leave or change your religion, and your family disowns you. You can get killed.

I come from a Christian family. I’m the fourth generation Christian. It was due to missionaries. My great, great-grandfather. My grandfather was sick. They went to a missionary hospital. That’s where they got their first taste. Missionaries have done a lot of good. Yes, a lot of good. I don’t think I would be sitting in this chair if those people didn’t have an influence on my great-grandparents. My family comes from a Hindu background. I would still be rubbing some mouse or some snake or some elephants belly, but I don’t have to do that. I believe in the living God.

Javed - Thankful to not be rubbing snakes anymore.

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