Find Hope

Started reading about Jesus in the Koran.

So, if Mohamed is the Greatest Prophet then why will Mohamed not come?” Why Jesus? Why does the Koran talk more about Jesus than Mohamed?”


I told my Mother; “I think there is something wrong with the theology or the kind of Islam you practice. But I want to explore more about God. I want to have an intimate relationship with God, which I don’t have right now”.

I was working as an internal auditor. The company was owned by one of a friend of my Father. My Father was the Vice President of one of the international banks. Each and every time I go to different branches and I talk to the people and there was one group of believers, they noticed that whenever I came to their place that I always tried to talk to them about religion. They started to talk to me about Jesus Christ and I told this group of people, I said; “Well, we do believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is a, He is a prophet but He is not the greatest prophet. The great prophet is Mohamed. We do believe that Jesus Christ, yeah He is going to come back we do believe but we do not believe that He is the Son of God or that He is God.” Then they said; “What about your Koran? Did you read any of your Koran? Your Koran says that Jesus is the Spirit of God. That Jesus is the Word of God and Jesus is the King and Jesus is the Messiah. He was born of a virgin Mary. He gave sight to the blind and He healed the lame. He raised the dead and He is going to come back. So, if Mohamed is the Greatest Prophet then why will Mohamed not come?” Why Jesus? Why does the Koran talk more about Jesus than Mohamed?”

So, I started to read the Bible. God the Father! Can God be your Father? Then I came to the point in the Bible written in Ephesians that we are all adopted sons and daughters through Jesus Christ. We are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Then I decided to do something. I closed the Bible. I put it aside of me and I called; “Jesus, your Word says that you are the Son of God and you are The God. But Islam says something different. Jesus, I have been longing to know the truth. I believe if you are the Son of God and if you are the God, the living God, you can show me right now, because I want to know the truth.” At the moment I said it, I saw an image of a man right at the corner of my room surrounded with His glory. The next thing that I see is that the image of man is gently walking toward my bed. There was a powerful electric in my body. I was like a fish out of the water. Just simply, like um, I was laying on the floor unconscious, I think for ten to fifteen minutes. I just couldn’t do anything. I don’t know the right word I can use. I can only give you an illustration like a fish out of the water, jumping on the floor because of the power. The first thing that I asked was; “Who are you?” Then He said; “I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I have chosen you. Follow me.” Then He was gone.

But the moment I called the true God, He appeared to me. In seconds, He changed everything inside of me and outside of me. I am a believer of Jesus.

Ali - Started reading about Jesus in the Koran.

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