Find Hope

Nine years divorced, both remarried, but then we talked about getting back together.

On the way to jail, God asked; "Are you willing to serve me?"


I got my girlfriend pregnant in high school. A year later we got married. That didn’t work out. We got divorced. After we got divorced, I was doing drugs during that time. After I got divorced it got really bad. 

I got out of jail and it lasted for a little while. Then it got worse than it was before. I got pulled over one day. On the way to the jail it was God just asking me; “are you willing to serve me or is this it? I’m going to take you out of this world and if you’re not willing to do anything for me.” I thought about that on the way to jail. That night I couldn’t sleep. I don’t know if it was a vision or if it was an angel coming to me but they were wanting the answer to that question; “Are you going to live for me or am I going to take you out of this world?” So, I rededicated my life in the jail cell to God. I told Him that whatever He wanted me to do I would do if He would just help me get out of this mess. I was in a mess. I had to spend about a year incarcerated. During that year, I prayed to God that He would put my family back together. 

You know, God answers prayers. He does. It was for about a year. As soon as I got out of being incarcerated, me and my wife, we had been talking the whole time by writing letters and things. God worked it out for us to get back together nine years after a divorce. Me and her both were married again and got divorced. God put us back together. Just the things that He has done in our lives, it has been amazing. He has called my son to be a pastor. He has just done miracles. There have been miracles in our life. 

Chris - Nine years divorced, both remarried, but then we talked about getting back together.

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