Find Hope

God’s love helped me overcome the death of twin grandsons.

I just started squalling and laughing and carrying on like a crazy woman. It was like a bolt of lightening hit me in the head.


Every Wednesday night I would go meet with the ladies. We would pray for my grand babies. The first one passed away, and within five months I was in a very dark hole. I hated everything and everybody. There was nothing that was going to make it right. Nothing could possibly make that situation right.

These ladies were so persistent. I still was not convinced that somebody could love me for all the damaged goods that I had produced in such short period of time, that I could continue to smoke pot, I could continue to do drugs, yet I was still miserable. There wasn’t anything that was going to make me happy watching those babies die, but the ladies were persistent. They said, “Jesus Christ is your savior. He will be there for you. He is there for you.”

It was unbelievable. I was driving down the Interstate, and I just started squalling and laughing and carrying on like a crazy woman. It was like a bolt of lightning hit me in the head. There was so much joy in my heart. To this day it kind of drives me crazy. That’s the weirdest thing to be driving down the Interstate and just start laughing joyful tears [after such tragedy].

I called my girlfriend that had been so persistent. I said, “I get it, driving down the Interstate, that the Lord Jesus Christ has come to me and told me that He is there for me.” He got a hold on my heart and made me the happiest girl in the world.

Lillian - God’s love helped me overcome the death of twin grandsons.

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