Find Hope

My son with cerebral palsy had no hope until the missionary arrived.

We tried everything possible to make his life normal. He studied in a very good school. He tried to study hard and behave very well. Nevertheless, society had a hard time accepting him.


I have a family with three kids. My son is now sixteen years old. When he was born he sustained a birth trauma known as Cerebral Palsy. This has made his life different from others and has completely changed the life of our family. It may seem that such a complicated situations this would take away time that a normal family would enjoy. It was so hard and heartbreaking for me to realize that Russian society was not ready to accept people like him or to accept sick people in general.

We tried everything possible to make his life normal. He studied in a very good school. He tried to study hard and behave very well. Nevertheless, society had a hard time accepting him. We fought this disease, wanting him to be like others. He desired and tried so hard to be happy, but I saw others humiliating him. This was destroying his inner-being.

Once an American missionary named Gene Murphy came to preach the gospel. He came to bring the good news to Russia, as well as to everyone who needs to know Christ. As we became more acquainted with Gene, he came to learn about our son, Ilya. Gene’s wife worked at a hospital in Chattanooga, TN. She offered to ask a local doctor about the possibility of helping Ilya. The doctor not only agreed to help but also said all expenses related to Ilya’s treatment would be covered.

“Bring him to America.”

Today Ilya is sixteen years old. For two years he has been studying at a Christian School in Chattanooga, TN. He has undergone several surgical procedures, always receiving high quality care. Through the surgeries and physical therapy, today he is so near normal, as other guys. He is now able to run and have fun. His studies at school are going well, and he is accepted in the United States. He receives much help and has many friends here. I attribute this change to Jesus Christ being in his life. One single trip to Russia by an American missionary to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ has changed the life of my son and my family. This gospel didn’t just save a soul. It saved the life of my son and gave him hope. Because of this, my son’s future is now bright. He feels free. He feels like a normal person. This freedom became tangible when the Lord touched Ilya’s soul through the outstretched hand of an American missionary.

I know there are many injustices today. There is drug addiction and many other hardships that accompany our lives, but every hardship can be changed by Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus Christ, my son, who was in such a grave situation, today feels like a normal person in society. I, a former drug addict, am now a whole person again. Now I try to help others who are chained to drug addiction.

We are all precious before God. Each has his own testimony. I know for sure that there are no boundaries in Jesus Christ. God is ready to change your destiny today. Let him take control and bless you.

Maxim - My son with cerebral palsy had no hope until the missionary arrived.

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