Find Hope

My boyfriend's biker gang threatened my baby.

"His father is in the opposing biker gang of the Hells Angels."


His father is in the opposing biker gang of the Hells Angels. He served forty years in jail for murder. People were threatening to kill me and kill my son that I was pregnant with at the time. 

I was slain in the spirit. I experienced the whole nine yards at twelve years old. I was so on fire when I came home from church that weekend then that next week my parents got divorced. I lost all of that fire. I didn’t believe that God was anywhere, that there was no way that He could take everything from me. I definitely ran the opposite way. I ran to guys trying to fill that void of my father leaving. I ran to drugs to fill the void of the hurt. I moved to Florida seven years ago. I thought that was where I wanted to be because it was the pary life. It was on the beach. it was easy and simple with no obligations. I met a guy that was part of a biker crew. His father is in the opposing biker gang of the Hells Angels. He served forty years in jail for murder. He was released six months before I had come into the picture. They were making a lot of waves and making other groups mad. One of the groups started targeting the women and children of that group. People were threatening to kill me and kill my son that I was pregnant with at the time. 

I thought, this is not the life I signed up for. This is not the life I’m going to raise my son in. I said, “you have two choices to make. You can be a husband and father to this child. Come with me and go to Chattanooga to start over where we have no enemies, where nobody is watching us. We can start fresh. We can connect to God and we can do this the right way or, you can stay here in Florida, live your life and I will go live my life and raise our son.” He asked me to get an abortion. I found myself on the beach that night screaming and crying, begging the Lord to show me something because I knew I couldn’t raise a kid on my own. So, I sat there on the beach screaming at Him and I felt this overwhelming peace. I heard my Nanna’s voice (that had passed away a few years prior) and she told me that everything was going to be okay, that I just needed to trust in Him and go home. That is what I did. 

I loaded up all of my stuff. My other grandmother that’s still alive, she lived two hours away from me in Florida so I drove to her house. I told them everything, confessed that we had a baby out of wedlock, that he didn’t want it. I screwed up but I wanted to fix it and they just welcomed me with loving arms, took me in and kept me for two weeks. They got me back in church and they gave me a car. They told me to get home to my mom and that mom would help me figure out the rest of it. 

I started working at McDonalds and they helped me get an Associates degree. I went to college and did the single mom thing. I was a full time college student and worked two jobs. When he was fourteen months old I met his dad, his now dad, my husband. The Lord definitely knew what He was doing.

Christa - My boyfriend's biker gang threatened my baby.

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