Find Hope

Got involved in drugs and lost custody of my son.

I was a meth addict for ten years. I lost my first marriage due to the drugs. I said I would never get back in another relationship like that but I jumped right into another relationship with a man. It was even worse than my ...


I was a meth addict for ten years. I lost my first marriage due to the drugs. Then, saying that I wasn’t ever going to get back into a relationship like that again, I jumped right back into another relationship with a man that was even worse than my first marriage. He was a drug dealer. You never think it’s going to end up that way. You think you’re just going to be an occasional user, but you become an everyday addict.

It took me losing custody of my son to finally realize that was not where I needed to be. When I finally decided I would go to rehab I sat my son, Isaiah, down and told him I was sick and was going away for a while. I told him I had a drug problem and had to go away and get better so I could be a better mama for him.

I entered Teen Challenge where the day starts at 5:30am. The first activity of the day is one hour of prayer in the chapel. Everybody there would made fun of me because I would cry from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. Even now when I see some of the girls they’ll laugh, and say, “There’s Wendy. She’s probably crying.” I wept over all the pain I had put my family through. Everyone would always try to console me, but It was there in that chapel, on my knees, at 5:30 in the morning where I felt like God was really with me.

I’ve been clean for three years. I won’t say there aren’t hard times. I have a hard time with not being married, not having a relationship with anybody, but I know that someday God’s going to send someone to me that is right for me. I’ve always wanted a man to love me. Maybe because I grew up without a dad. But now I don’t have to have that man. I have God. When God does send me the right man I want to make sure he’s a Godly man because I want to make sure he’s going to teach my son the things that he needs to learn.

I want to show people that there is hope and that with God anything is possible.

Wendy C - Got involved in drugs and lost custody of my son.

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