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Introduced to illegal drugs during rehab for pain meds.

I injected it intravenously. But by the time I was using meth amphetamine, I was willing to do whatever I had to do, um, for, for the dope


Early into that marriage, my husband got sick. We had a very difficult time in our marriage and two small children. I began to take pain medication for headaches. And um, that’s where my addiction started. Every time that I went to rehab it seemed that I would go in for one reason and come out with a whole other set of issues. Or know more about a different kind of drug than when I came in. Um, I would graduate from the pain pills to a heroine addiction. To um, cocaine and then meth amphetamine. I injected it intravenously. But by the time I was using meth amphetamine, I was willing to do whatever I had to do, um, for, for the dope. Whoever had the most dope won me for that day or evening or whatever. Until they were out. So um, I got a lot of theft charges at that time. I have probably spent about thirty percent of my adult life incarcerated. In the state of Georgia. After I had landed myself in jail for about the seventh time. Um, my um, my uncle and my grandmother came to see me. They brought me papers from the “women and the well”. He agreed to get me out of jail as long as I agreed to go into “women at the well.” I really went to the program not believing that they could help me. I was looking at seven years in prison at this time. Really they were fed up with me. They were done with me. The D.A. at that time said’ you know, she is going to do this time. There’s not really anything you can do about it. But my grandmother believed that they could help me. So I believed that she believed that they could help me. What kept me holding on sometimes was knowing that she had taken all of the money that she had made on her social security or had at that point to put me in there. And some days that’s the only thing that held me there was knowing that it took all of her money. And so, I did make it there. In that program, I learned how to develop a true lasting relationship with Christ. I learned how to walk with him and in his ways. I learned about his character. I think what I had missed before was that, that true relationship and intimacy. I have been sober for five years. And clean. My children began to trust me again. I have a great relationship with them today and with my mom. My grandmother that got me there has since passed. But she is remembered as that being her final purpose of living. I recently got married a few months ago. So I was able to do that. I didn’t think that was ever going to happen for me. My children are thriving. Um, and life is good.

Stephanie - Introduced to illegal drugs during rehab for pain meds.

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