Find Hope

After addiction to crack, my family was restored.

He said, "We can make a hundred thousand a year." I said, “Well, Let’s go!” The first year we made some good money; about sixty or seventy-thousand dollars. In two years of working with him I didn't know that he was using pow...


He said, "We can make a hundred thousand a year." I said, “Well, Let’s go!” The first year we made some good money; about sixty or seventy-thousand dollars. In two years of working with him I didn't know that he was using powder cocaine. He introduced me to powder cocaine. I really didn't like it. He had what was called crack cocaine. It's the hard substance of powder cocaine. That form of cocaine is what latched on to me.

I tried to live a life of an alcoholic, a crack addict, a husband, and father. One morning I woke up, and walked down to my mom's house. I threw my hands up. She open the door an said, “What’s wrong?” I said, “I’m done, momma. I don’t have anything else to live for. Can you call the God you know? The God I know is not hearing me.”

What broke me is God’s love. The same love they had at Englewood Baptist Church. For those five months that they held on to me, while waiting to enter Teen Challenge, a group of men loved me. When I entered Teen Challenge the same love was there. So I knew that's where I was supposed to be. Since graduating from Teen Challenge I have been remarried, reconciled with my previous marriage. I’m back with my children. I’m here now in Chattanooga Tennessee. I’m sharing my story because God
is real. If He did it for me, He can do for you.

Thomas - After addiction to crack, my family was restored.

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