Find Hope

Haunted by nightmares since childhood.

"I started dreaming about a certain set of stars and a voice was calling me to walk outdoors."


I can’t explain it. Nightmares every night, every single night. 

When I was real young, there was a travel program that came out of Los Angeles called “The Happy Wanderer”. The icon was a grinning sun. It's the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in my whole, entire life. 

One time when I was six years old, I was laying in bed and it morphed. I started dreaming about a certain set of stars and a voice was calling me to walk outdoors. In my dream, I walked out the doors of my house. I opened it up and there was a grinning moon. I can’t explain it. I was having those nightmares every single night from age seven until nineteen. Boom. Somewhere in the dream the sun or the moon would show up then I would wake up screaming. 

Fast forward to when I was nineteen. I was sitting on my friends' couch. His mom was a very devout Christian. She asked, “Do you know Jesus?” I said, “Yeah, you know whatever.” She said, “Do you want to receive Jesus?” I said, “Okay.” I was really, living a very terrible life, doing terrible things. 

I remember sitting on the couch and praying the prayer. I remember holding hands with the mom and my friend Harold. Underneath my breath, I said, “Alright, if you are real Jesus, let me never have that grinning sun or grinning moon ever appear again. And, boom. The world didn’t come with rose-colored glasses or anything like that. I just said, “Okay, cool you’re now a Christian. I was like; “Oh, sweet.” 

Well, to this day as I sit here, I have never encountered the grinning moon or grinning sun ever. 

One strange thing I remember is that I felt like somebody put a ring on this finger right here. Not, cause I got the marriage ring on this side and I got a ring on this other side. It was really weird. I just felt like there was a ring on my ring finger. No one could ever explain it to me. 

I just thought, I accepted Christ and there is this ring finger thing. 

I used to cuss like a sailor. I think every word out of my mouth was a cuss word. 

Somebody explained to me finally that the ring was from like the prodigal son. Where the father put the ring on the prodigal son's finger. Like a credit card. Like a down payment. Like, I’ve taken care of this and soon you will be welcomed into the Kingdom when your time is up. 

So, yeah, miraculous intervention. I can’t explain it. I was having those nightmares every single night from seven until nineteen. 

Brad - Haunted by nightmares since childhood.

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