Find Hope

Had an affair. Got a divorce.

I was twenty-two years old. It was back in the days when it was mini skirts and Go Go boots. So I dressed purposely to attract men. I found myself in a very exciting job with all these men, who I thought really liked me. I di...


I was twenty-two years old. It was back in the days when it was mini-skirts and Go-Go boots, so I dressed purposely to attract men. I found myself in a very exciting job with all these men, who I thought really liked me. I didn’t understand in those days what they really wanted from me. I just was excited that someone was paying attention to me.

My home life wasn't good either. Before long I was having an affair with a man. After that I just wanted a divorce. I remember the day I got the divorce, I was driving down the road, and I was thinking, “Yeah. I am so free now. I am free to do anything I want to do.” I was going to go out and live the night life. I was going to go dancing and drinking, all the stuff I wanted to do. That was what was going to make me happy. So I continued to do that. It wasn't long until I came home one night from a party, and I was laying in my bed and thought, “Is this all there is to the single life?” I thought it was gong to be so much more exciting, but I found out that that wasn't making me happy either.

We’d been married for a few years, and we saw it was going the same way that our first marriages had gone. I had gotten involved in Mary Kay Cosmetics doing beauty classes. I was trying to build a career and be happy and make all that money. It just wasn't working out. We had met this couple that had started talking to us and sharing their testimonies with us. The more I talked with [her], I realized what I needed in my life was Jesus Christ. One day Don said he would come to one of the big meetings we were having. He always promised me that he would, but he didn’t ever seem to be interested in what I did. I drove home that night just crying. I said, “Lord, I just can’t take this anymore. I release myself to you.”

By the time I got home, the kids came in the house. I ran to my room and fell down, threw my commode lid down, and fell down over my commode. That's where I met God, really the first time. That's where I gave my heart to God. That's where it all began. [Don] began seeing his role as man and as a husband and how he had failed me and our children. Then I began seeing my role as a wife and as a woman and how I had failed. I wrote letters to all my family asking their forgiveness. I wrote letters to my mother, my ex-mother-in-law, my ex-family members, my ex-husband, admitting the affair. I asked him to forgive me for what I had done in our marriage. That was such a cleansing.[server tag]

Rita - Had an affair. Got a divorce.

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