Find Hope

Even my fellow drug users said I was in trouble.

The dealers turned to me and said, ‘Look man, you need to go get some help.” When you’re standing in a very small room using drugs with two other guys that are the same as you, and they look at you and say, “You need to get h...


The last run I had with drugs I stole some things from my family. I spent some time in jail. My sisters felt sorry for me and got me out of jail. I went right back to smoking crack and doing Methamphetamines. A couple of months after this, friends I was using meth with said, “Tony, you need to do something. You need to make changes.” I was, like, “Well, you, the people I’m using with are the ones that need to be telling me I need to make changes.”

I had already given two cars away to dope dealers. I was then totally dependent on them to get me places. I guess they got tired of me being “That Guy.” The dealers turned to me and said, ‘Look man, you need to go get some help.” When you’re standing in a very small room using drugs with two other guys that are the same as you, and they look at you and say, “You need to get help.”, something is wrong. So, I took a long hard look at that. My parents, family, and friends had already disowned me. So I was pretty much by myself. I remember sitting by a big lake bawling my eyes out for what I’d done to my dad and mom. I decided to seek help.

Going to Atlanta was the scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life. There I was in Atlanta at the bus station by myself, for the first time, doing something on my own to help myself. I was looking at this paper with directions, thinking, “I ain’t never going to make it there.” Out of no where I asked a lady, “Can you tell me how to get to *Peachford Communities?” She said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Then a guy walks up and says, “I overheard your conversation. I have a job interview in about two hours. I’m gonna take you to their front door.” I really do believe God sent that guy that day to get me to that halfway house.

When I came back to Chattanooga I stumbled along the way. First I reconciled with my dad which was a big step in my recovery. I then started seeing a lady from Flintstone, Georgia. She was very spiritual. I was sitting in the balcony at Chattanooga Valley Baptist Church. There is no possible way the pastor could see me. As he is closing the service he stops and says, “Members, we’ve got to remember that when we are walking through the malls and shopping plazas these people with tattoos and earrings want to hear about God, too.” I looked at my girlfriend and said, “Did you tell him I was going to be here today?” She says, “No. I didn’t say a word.” I dropped to my knees and completely gave everything I had to God, and He has totally flipped my life around.


Tony T - Even my fellow drug users said I was in trouble.

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