Find Hope

Dreamed about a place that changed my life.

"I walked through the sanctuary door and the Lord revealed to me that this is where I was at in the dream."


I got out of jail. The day I got out of jail I was mowing the grass. I had no money and no food. I was yelling at God. This car pulls up to our home and I thought; “Who is this?” I walked over to the guy and he said; “Hi. My name is Pastor Larry.” He started witnessing to me. He said; “The Lord said that you needed food.” The man popped open his trunk, and it was full of food. Not only was it food but it was what my wife would have bought. So it was pretty cool. He took me under his wing. If there was something that happened in the church I was there.

The first time I walked in the church, I walked in the door and I had had a dream about it, that I was working inside of a church and I didn’t have any idea of what was there in a church or what kind of functions happen in a church other than people preaching. I just knew that I was working inside this church. Anyway, the day I walked into the church to visit it, there was a guy standing there. He walked up to me, gave me a big hug and told me Jesus loved me. I was like; it made me freeze up. I had never had a man hug me before other than my father. I thought; “Okay, who is this guy?” I walked through the sanctuary door and the Lord revealed to me that this is where I was at in the dream. Then Larry asked me to usher. I did that. After I got there, that’s when I realized that that’s what the position of an usher was. I didn’t know anything about it from the dream. When I woke up I thought; “That was strange.” So, I wasn’t aware of the functions inside of a church because I had never been.

Then Larry pulled up and changed my life. He just started discipling me and mentoring me. He was just a real zealous guy, real little guy. He loved the Lord. He was just crazy. He just wanted to love anybody and everybody everywhere he went. He was just friendly with everybody. Basically, I learned how to hear from the Holy Spirit through him because he would just spend time in prayer asking God to lead him. He was on a flight to the Philippines. He was doing work over there and passed away of a heart attack while he was on the plane. He was a wonderful man. I can’t wait to see him again.

Pat - Dreamed about a place that changed my life.

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