Find Hope

Doctor said I might not be able to sing again.

"I felt lost, depressed, frustrated and I was trying to see God in it all but I couldn’t."


In March of 2014, I completely lost my voice. I was diagnosed with this thing called a polyp on my vocal cord and it made it really hard to sing. The doctor told me that the only way to take care of it would be to go through surgery. He also told me that after surgery I would have to go through two months of total silence with no talking, no singing for the healing to happen. Then even after these two months, he said that though I would be able to talk fine afterward, I might not be able to sing anymore. I felt lost, depressed, frustrated and I was trying to see God in it all but I couldn’t.

A few days after I remember being on the floor in this spare room of my house just kneeling before God saying; ‘what are you trying to do in all of this and where are you in all of this because I can’t see you.” There have only been a few times in my life where I have felt the undeniable nearness of God. I know He is always near. He promises that. Sometimes you are just aware of His presence. In just this heightened way I felt Him there with me. I felt Him speak to my heart something that I have known my whole life. Simple words that I used to sing when I was a kid but I grabbed them in a whole new way. He said; “Phil, I am your father. You are my child. Trust me.” I went to the scriptures looking for as many promises I could about being a child of God. There is a lot of beautiful ones. One that stuck out to me was in Philippians. It was Philippians 2:15. It says; So that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation you will shine among them like stars in the sky. I remember feeling this flood of peace, freedom, and joy. Even though I didn’t know it, this record “Children of God” was born. It’s a beautiful thought that each one of us who follow Jesus, each one of us who have called Him out as our Lord and Savior, we have the light of God inside us. We are not too old or too young, too weak or too strong, too poor or too wealthy. Each one of us who calls upon the name of Jesus has the light of God inside of us and the power to light up the world around us. There is something so incredibly victorious in the knowledge that if God is for us then who can be against us? If we are part of His family then we have nothing to fear because God is our Father. As people listen to this new record I invite everybody to join into that joy and that victory with me of claiming the fact that we are part of the family of God and also singing out of that joy. Worship Him for all that He has done. I’m so excited about these new songs. I can’t wait to sing them with people. I hope they stir people’s hearts to action to stand in the victory of what it means to be a child of God and to sing from that victory back to God because He loves us, because of the grace He has shown, because of all that He has done to call us into His family. I hope you enjoy the record.

Phil Wickham - Doctor said I might not be able to sing again.

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