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Dad founded Hamas, the militant Muslim group.

While Hamas military leaders were planning terror attacks on Israeli restaurants and buses, Mosab Hassan Yousef was growing up as the son of a respected Hamas founder. He became disillusioned with some in Hamas and began ques...


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{Armed with the Koran and a gun. The people of Hamas are trained to hate Israel from early childhood. For more than two decades Hamas terrorized Israeli’s through suicide bombings and thousands of rocket attacks. It’s charter clearly calls for the end of Israel and its replacement by an Islamic entity from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea. While Hamas military leaders were planning terror attacks on Israeli restaurants and buses, Mosab Hassan Yousef was growing up as the son of a respected Hamas founder. He became disillusioned with some in Hamas and began questioning his Islamic faith.}


To Muslims. The God of the Koran means “ God of might”. Allah. The translation for the word Allah means God. God Almighty. Now uh, but unfortunately the God of the Koran. If we compare his personality to the personality of the God of the Bible. We would find the difference. So it doesn’t matter is Satan come and appear to people I am God or I am Jesus Christ. And people start to follow him. It doesn’t make him Jesus Christ just because he has the name. What matters is how he acts. From their fruits we know them. The fruit of the God of the Koran is killing, terrorism, uh, beating women, killing children. This is the real fruit of the God of the Koran.

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{Instead of planning terror attacks. Yousef began to prevent them. As he worked with Israel’s security agency. The Shin Bet. To protect his cover as a double agent. Yousef endured several stints in Israeli prisons.}


Do you have any resentment toward the Israelis? They tortured you. They’ve killed your friends and relatives. Do you have any resentment toward them? Bad feelings?


Okay, so what are your suggestions? Rather than moving on. Should I like for example go torture them in return? Think about those people who tortured me. I forgot about them a long time ago. They were nineteen years old. Twenty years old. The soldiers who beat me almost to death. I don’t know where they are now. I don’t know what they’re doing. And uh, look at me today. I could heal and I could move on. Now I can, I’m in a much better position to deal with the problem. What I learned through this experience. How to win over my enemy. Not how to take revenge from them. And the best answer for all the pain I have inside and the bad memories that I’m fighting it today with a weapon of love. This is how Christ defeated the world. When he loved in the most difficult position and painful on the cross. This is our highest example. Shouldn’t we learn from Him?

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{In his new book “Son of Hamas” Yousef tells how he not only turned his back on Hamas. But he found true peace through faith in Jesus Christ.}


To be honest with you this is a whole uh, process. Some people I know, Jesus Christ might appear to them in a vision or a dream. In my case, I wanted to be the smart person and go on a logical process. So it took me six years to study. The transformation wasn’t over one night. It was a gradually and I had to study Christianity. Islam from the beginning, and the study of other religions. Not only Christianity and Islam. Also I considered at some point not to believe in any religion. I was going nowhere. The only path I found peace. I think it’s good for me and good for all human kind is uh, Jesus Christ’s path.

Yousef - Dad founded Hamas, the militant Muslim group.

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