Find Hope

Because I said "hi" she didn't kill herself.

She later told that she was thinking about suicide, and that it was my simple hello that had let her know that she was alive.


I really caught fire, even when I was six years old, because I was telling people about Jesus, even at such a young age.

I tried to live my life differently, you know, like not cuss like my peers did and to treat people with respect and love. There was one guy that no one wanted to hang around. People made fun of him for the stuff he liked or the stuff he didn’t do. Like he wasn’t much of an athlete. I became friends with him. We would play together on the playground. His family was dealing with some demonic stuff. I told him, “Dude, Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. He has army of angels. He wants to set you free. He wants to set your family free. There can be light in your family. That darkness has to flee.” He came to Christ.

In high school there was a girl who nobody talked to. Everybody just kind of left her alone. She had no friends. Nobody would even sit down and have lunch with her. Every time I’d see her in the hall, I would say a simple “Hi.” Every day I’d pass her in the hall and smile and say hi. She later told me that she was thinking about suicide, and that it was my simple hello that had let her know that she was alive. She had felt so alienated, like so much of an outcast. She came back because somebody cared enough to just say hi.

Matt K - Because I said "hi" she didn't kill herself.

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