The first time she came at me she cornered me in the bedroom with my hunting knife. I hit her. I knocked her out. That was a period in my life when it was really hard to deal with life.
I ended up being a drug addict and alcoholic. I was addicted to porn. I would watch all kind of unspeakable pornographic acts; things that are a disgrace in the sight of God. I knew better. I was raised better, but once I started and the more I did it the deeper into it I got.
The Bible says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God; resist the Devil and he will flee from you.” Through my anger and my porn, drug, and alcohol addictions I have found, for me, the easiest way I have gotten through this, and it is a hard road, is that each and every time the enemy tries to come and tempt me with any of these things, is to keep myself submitted to God, resisting the Devil, keeping my eyes focused upon Jesus. When the Devil comes at me with a temptation, if I say, “NO.” and start praying, it’s then that the Sprit of the Lord calms me and takes it away. It leaves me.
I used to get bad cases of road rage when things made me angry. My wife would say, “God’s trying to teach you patience.” I prayed and asked God to help me with all of these things; the drugs, the pornography, the alcohol, the temper. The Bible says, “Faith without works is dead.” For us to say, “No.” to the Devil, resisting him, and adding prayer, that’s when God really opens up the windows of heaven, giving you strength to get thorough. That’s what I have found.