Find Hope

A bright light entered the room as I lay dying.

“Mr. Henson, I don’t know what you’ve been doing, but I wish you’d tell me. Your blood is better than mine.


“It did not have to be this way.”

“This is the path that you have chosen, and the tears you’re shedding now are the tears I shed for you while you were on the wrong path. I have heard your prayer for health and it will be answered in due course.”

Suddenly it ended and my mind began to say, “This cant’ be true. This is a dream. This is a distortion.” But just as suddenly I absolutely knew that it was true. I don’t know how I knew. I just knew. It was a supernatural gift of supernatural faith that moved from having faith to absolutely knowing. I knew I was healed at that moment.

On January 9, 1982 my doctor called and said, “Mr. Henson, I don’t know what you’ve been doing, but I wish you’d tell me. Your blood is better than mine. You have no cancer anywhere in your body, and I just don’t understand it.” In due course I did explain to him what had happened. I later found out he didn’t believe it. He was a scientist. He was trained as a scientist. He was a wonderful medical scientific medical practitioner, but this was beyond his frame of reference. He’d never seen anything like it before. Years later he cam back to me and said, “You know, I really didn’t believe that miracle stuff when you told me. But I do now.”

Reid - A bright light entered the room as I lay dying.

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