Find Hope

VP for CBS Records, buds with Michael Jackson, but still empty.

Bernie Miller

One morning I woke up, and I turned on the TV, and the night prior to that I was watching an x-rated movie channel. When I woke up and turned on the TV it was on the 700 Club!

Bullied, beaten, and suicidal, but God intervened.

Anna Marion

"I started cutting and looking for relationships at a very, very young age. I was cyber bullied to the point where I tried to commit suicide. All the while I was going to church and coming to our youth group and I was putting...

The 666 woman put a curse on my stomach.

John M.

I didn’t tell very many people about this for a long time. I didn’t want them to think I was crazy. I know I ran up on some wicked stuff that day.

What if God knows more than the doctors?

Tim Timmons

Twelve years ago, I was given five years to live. They said; “Tim, you have an incurable cancer and we will see you on Monday.” That was the most sobering time of my life.

A spirit of death haunted me.

Dana H

I actually had a friend who referred to me as the Dark Angel of Death.

Barely escaped Tornado disaster.


"Over 600 Tornadoes hit that day."

Held at gunpoint by a killer.

Steve and Melinda

"In the most calm voice Melinda said, “Jesus.” She wasn't even looking at us but out toward the station."

Experienced death. Then I saw good and bad spirits.

Kim S.

I was dead at 9:23 in the morning. My medical report shows the ambulance arrived at the hospital at 9:58am. There had been no vital signs in my body for twenty-five minutes. I was clinically dead.

The spirits I channeled entered and exited.

Robert R

I understood the power on the demonic side because I had been choked by demons, hit by them, slapped by them.

Felt the bed shaking as I cried out to God.


I knocked on the door and Satan said; “You have to sell your soul to come in here.” The ledge started moving in. So, I sold my soul