Find Hope

The 666 woman put a curse on my stomach.

John M.

I didn’t tell very many people about this for a long time. I didn’t want them to think I was crazy. I know I ran up on some wicked stuff that day.

Felt the bed shaking as I cried out to God.


I knocked on the door and Satan said; “You have to sell your soul to come in here.” The ledge started moving in. So, I sold my soul

God cared about my piercings.


She noticed the holes in my face. She was like; “Oh, you’ve got a lip ring?” I said; “Yeah, I had to take them out to get a job, you know, working for the man.”

Before turning to God, I got on my knees and asked Satan to grant all my sexual desires.


I tried to live for the Lord and the Devil at the same time. I was straddling the fence, so to speak. It doesn’t work. I thought, “I can’t live it.”

Two mothers gave birth after I saw and heard a child.


Without ever hearing him say a word he spoke to me. He said, “I am the fifth fallen angel. You’ve served me well, and you will serve me again.”

Something sinister was behind me always cutting myself.


There was a different atmosphere around me. The darkness and the evil was gone. I had love in me for the first time.

I'm living proof that a real demon can be defeated.


"I wanted to laugh for three days. I knew I knew, I knew I was free."

Prayed to Satan, God, Buddha—whoever.

Jim G

I just said; ” Look (in my mind) God, Buddah? I don’t know who you are. I just want to know the truth. Everybody can’t be right.........But I think if you’re God, you ought to be able to answer me right now.”