I had a little New Testament that I used to bury in the ground. That was the only thing I had to read and I didn’t want them to take it from me.
When you leave that arena, arriving at your top, which every athlete does, and it's over. For example, a professional like *Michael Jordan, who eventually retires, and he’s out of the game. Every athlete, high school athlete,...
One day he comes home and says, “After a careful examination of the Old Testament I am a follower of Jesus.” Talk about something blowing your mind.
She said, “You can’t speak about Jesus at the funeral.” “I said, “Mom, it's not your place to tell me that. This is dad's funeral. I was asked by my brothers. You divorced him. You don't have this right.
My Dad said; “But son, were you water baptized?” I said; “Yes I was Dad.” And he said; “Jeff, you’re not my son anymore. What you have done to your people, you are worse than Adolf Hitler.” He said; “You are no longer welcome...
So I listen to them and they say, “If you have any problems, give us a call.” So I said, “Heck, let’s laugh at these Christians. “So I called them thinking I was going to make fun of them.
I would still be rubbing some mouse or some snake or some elephants belly. But I don’t have to do that. I believe in the living God.
I was out in the bars getting drunk on Friday and Saturday. I was hoping the people in church didn’t see me in the bars. I was hoping the people in the bars didn’t see me in church
A lot of people would ask the question; “So tell me when I’m going to die.” What I learned was, that the more important question is; “When are we going to start living?”
"I never realized the God that they serve is not the biblical God. The reason I didn’t realize it is because, as a Mormon, I never read the word of God."