I understood the power on the demonic side because I had been choked by demons, hit by them, slapped by them.
"I had just felt the hand of God touch my heart!"
There’s some sort of hole in your heart that you're still trying to get filled. You wish your Dad had said some wonderful things.
We gave my son a choice to go home or stay on vacation. He said, “I want to stay on vacation.” The whole time we were there people walked up to us saying, “I didn’t realize I would come on vacation and see a miracle. When you...
I was out in the bars getting drunk on Friday and Saturday. I was hoping the people in church didn’t see me in the bars. I was hoping the people in the bars didn’t see me in church
The surgery getting the tumor out was more damaging than the tumor was.
I should have been killed. I should have been thrown into trees or paralyzed, but by the grace of God I was spared.
Without ever hearing him say a word he spoke to me. He said, “I am the fifth fallen angel. You’ve served me well, and you will serve me again.”
It was just terrible. So I’m taking the medicine and I am correctly diagnosed but I’m still not really feeling any better. I’m not free from this bipolar.
“Mr. Henson, I don’t know what you’ve been doing, but I wish you’d tell me. Your blood is better than mine.