I thought that I had nothing to live for. I thought that I was the most worthless mother on the face of the earth. I was no good as a wife. As a mother. As a daughter. As a friend
As I came out I heard her singing “Jesus loves me.” The faster she rocked, the louder she sang. My parents heard her and we were kicked out of the house.
When my dad was struggling for his life, he went out into the yard to put himself out and the neighbors came to help extinguish the fire. Dad wanted to pray. Dad wanted to pray for my brother.
You can forgive me of the drinking and the drugs. You can forgive me of the sexual sins that ran deep. But you can’t forgive me for that. That was unforgivable to me.
My dad committed the crime of first degree murder on August 14, 1996, which is my birthday, and he went to prison.
My husband helped me a lot. He cried. He prayed. When I would go back out and do wrong again he would come looking for me. He would forgive me.
It was eleven o'clock in the morning, and my blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit for the State of Tennessee. My ten-year-old daughter was in the front with me, and she escaped serious physical injury, but her emotio...
My father took a baseball bat from the corner of the room and started beating my mother over the head, face, and upper body. The darkest day of my life was the day they lowered her body into the ground.
"When I gave my life to Jesus he started dealing with the fears I had. Other things started changing as well. And I found that what once was an object of hate became an object of compassion."
"We began to grow in the Lord rapidly and He began to restore our marriage."