It would take me thirty minutes to work up the courage to say a word. I was just so inwardly petrified. I would have the bible at the corner of the East Village grill and I just couldn’t open my mouth. It was crazy.
"Suddenly I felt the real power and presence of God. It was like fire and electricity shooting through my body."
I didn’t tell very many people about this for a long time. I didn’t want them to think I was crazy. I know I ran up on some wicked stuff that day.
I was the sixth of seven children. I was molested from the time I was two or three years old until I was six or seven.
I actually had a friend who referred to me as the Dark Angel of Death.
I began to fill it with my surroundings, which was women and alcohol. It wasn’t long until I found myself with a $70,000 a year cocaine addiction.
I was supposed to be the watcher, “the watchman” to make sure that no one comes in so they wouldn’t get in trouble.
"In the most calm voice Melinda said, “Jesus.” She wasn't even looking at us but out toward the station."
I knocked on the door and Satan said; “You have to sell your soul to come in here.” The ledge started moving in. So, I sold my soul
When God spoke to me I left my career to be a stay-at-home mom. I left all the glitz and glamour and all the supposedly wonderful things. I started completely over, but with God in my heart this time.