Find Hope

I stepped up as a man and forgave my parents.


"Sometimes a man is not grown at twenty-five, thirty, or just because he has a family or kids. He is grown when he takes responsibility as a man, you know."

Angry. Who do I blame?


"I just wanted to sit down and eat dinner with my family."

My head in the jaws of a mountain lion.


"It launched with force. It slammed into my chest. The top claws, the front claws were all up by my face and by my neck.......... I was twenty four years old. I didn’t want to die."

My Dad was the Evel Knievel of the neighborhood.


I remember early as a boy he would come into our neighborhood in a trailer park where I lived in Gainesville, Florida riding a Harley on a wheelie.

My head wound required surgery.


In the third grade I didn’t know how to spell tadpole. For every letter I missed my dad would whip me across my back with a leather belt until I would bleed.

I kept dreaming about visiting Dad in prison.


As the dreams continued I began to focus on the issue of forgiveness concerning my dad.

This thing inside me screamed, "No, don't pray!"


As he slid me up that wall, telling me I didn’t know anything about God, I realized I did know about God, I just didn’t think I knew God.

Restored with Dad after the abuse.


I said; “Daddy, Daddy don’t! You’re going to kill Mom!”

Bipolar led to cursing people uncontrollably.

Matt C

It was just terrible. So I’m taking the medicine and I am correctly diagnosed but I’m still not really feeling any better. I’m not free from this bipolar.

My son with cerebral palsy had no hope until the missionary arrived.


We tried everything possible to make his life normal. He studied in a very good school. He tried to study hard and behave very well. Nevertheless, society had a hard time accepting him.