Find Hope

Sure, I danced with the stars.


When God spoke to me I left my career to be a stay-at-home mom. I left all the glitz and glamour and all the supposedly wonderful things. I started completely over, but with God in my heart this time.

Dad's affair at church left me bitter.


"I really wanted to call him and say, “I’m sorry for what I had done.” Months earlier if you’d asked me I wouldn’t have admitted to have done anything wrong."

I allowed the abuse because I did not know God's love.


 "I said to myself, “Okay God if I die tonight, I’m going to die obeying you.” 

Angry. Who do I blame?


"I just wanted to sit down and eat dinner with my family."

I divorced him. He chased me, then quit. Then I chased him.


Then God said, “Trust me. You don’t have to trust him. Just trust me.” I said, “OK.” So I turned Lonnie over to the Lord and said, “OK God, I trust you. I’m gonna move forward.”

My Dad was the Evel Knievel of the neighborhood.


I remember early as a boy he would come into our neighborhood in a trailer park where I lived in Gainesville, Florida riding a Harley on a wheelie.

From the next school superintendent to crackhead.


I had a big head and a big attitude to go along with it. I had the house, cars, the boat; the middle class dream. All of a sudden I started making some real bad choices.

So this lady asks to hold my hands and pray in the parking lot.

Eric M.

"That just gave me a front row seat to one of God’s miracles."

Five divorces by age thirty.


By the time I was thirty I had experienced five failed marriages. I felt like I could do nothing right;

My tattoo was about hating Dad.


I know now that whatever dad has done in the past, he’s just as human as I am. Whatever my mom has done in the past, she’s just as human as I am. So there’s no reason to walk around with hate and anger towards them; withholdi...