By the time I was thirty I had experienced five failed marriages. I felt like I could do nothing right;
I thank God that he let me live those sixty-six years, as a sinner. I learned from those years of bad experiences, and now I can share with others what I’ve learned. I hope what I have to share will influence at least one p...
"It’s those little things right there that show me that true restoration has taken place."
"I feel like I have been plugged into this eternal power source"....
I had twenty-seven operations and four plastic surgery operations. When I got out of the hospital nine months later I looked okay on the outside; but inside I was still wounded.
On the way to jail, God asked; "Are you willing to serve me?"
"I made a decision that night that I was leaving the band."
"I go to the door and it’s Detective Brandon with a M16 the size of my whole arm."